Greetings from your New President.
I hope you like the first change we have already made with
the introduction of our brand new E-Newsletter. We have been working really
hard to get the website updated with all of our upcoming events and to get the
newsletter out. The goal of the newsletter is to provide you with a more streamline
way to keep you up to date with the latest information for the month’s upcoming
news and events. The website is a great way to find all the information you
need for upcoming events, which you will be able to register for most events
Summer is here and we have many great events planned as well
as ski trip planning underway. If you would like to see any events added to the
calendar be sure to let your social chair, Kathleen Stoneski, know. It may seem
early to start thinking about ski trips as it has barely started to feel like
summer, but we are planning a great season of trips including a club western
trip to Copper Mountain. Be sure to keep an eye out in the next couple of
months for the ski trips to be released.
I am looking forward to the next year leading this club to
be even better with some awesome events this year, please do not hesitate to
contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.