Hi Fellow Four Wind Members,
Four Winds is a fantastic club. Great people. Fun trips and social events. We are growing stronger every year.
To continue our growth, we are asking you for a little help.
Every year we have a booth at the Windy City Ski and Snowboard show. We try to make our booth fun to attract new members. Thisyear the Windy City Ski and Snowboard show is October 19-21.
· We need volunteers to work the booth and help share their club excitement. Each shift is two or three hours. Please contact Patrick Clark at patrickskiclark@gmail.com if you can volunteer for a shift
· We are looking for wheel prizes. Do you work at a company that has give-a-ways, small gift cards, or coupons that we can used as a wheel prize? Last year we added a wheel that was a fantastic win win win. We were able to
shout out the generosity of our sponsors, folks loved our booth and Four Winds obtained a lot of interest from potential new members. If you have any potential prizes please contact Sheri Butler at sfbutler333@gmail.com.
Thanks in advance