August 2018 President's Article

Categories: News, President's Letter

August 2018 President's Article

Prez Says

 Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all enjoying your summer so far.  It’s hard to believe that August is right around the corner as I write this.  Volleyball continues every Monday starting at 6:30pm through the month of August.  Our final Monday night volleyball will include a cookout.  That will be on Monday, August 27th.  Social events continue to be planned including a bike ride scheduled in early September.  If you wish to run a social event please let someone on our board know and we will get the word out on it.  As always keep an eye out for your SnowTimes newsletters, special email blasts of upcoming events, and also on the website for details as they become finalized.

Just one last reminder here that our meeting location and day have changed starting with our upcoming August general meeting which will be on Tuesday, August 7th.  Our general meetings will now be at Riccardo's Restaurant which is located at 1170 S Roselle Rd in Schaumburg and will be on the 1st Tuesday of every month.  The meeting will begin at 7pm as usual.  All future general meetings going forward will continue to be at Riccardo’s Restaurant on the first Tuesday of the month starting at 7pm.  I hope to see you there as it has been awhile since we last all met.

August: First Riccardo’s Restaurant Meeting – Tuesday, August 7th, 2018 at 7pm

Trips continue to come into focus.  We still are doing some finalizing of details but we should have plenty of information to present at the August meeting and plan to open up trips at the September meeting along with a pizza party.  We are looking forward to a wonderful upcoming winter season as we continue to enjoy our summer.

Once again remember that volleyball will run every Monday through Monday, August 27th starting at 6:30pm.  I hope to see you all at the upcoming general meeting at Riccardo’s Restaurant on Tuesday, August 7th for our 7pm meeting.  We hope you enjoy our new meeting location.

That is about it for now.  Enjoy the rest of your SnowTimes Newsletter.  Hopefully you can join us for volleyball or on one or more of the upcoming social events or at a future meeting.

Russ (Prez: Four Winds Ski, Ride & Socialize Club) 


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